Teaching Farm

The polifunctional concept applied to Ciato was thought up in the nineties, when issues such as environmentalism, health and wellbeing were still not strongly associated to nourishment and little attention was paid to primary production and environment sectors.
Driven by a strong enthusiasm and by a reasonable knowledge and culture, we have continued to work and invest in our project, and though we still haven’t reached our goal, our constant efforts and the help of our first friends and supporters have led to results evident to all.
We offer a series of specific tours for schools, devised in cooperation with teachers.
Contacts: Mr Mario Schianchi and Ms Maria Veneri.

The farm is compliant with all the safety systems required by the Italian law and is in close contact with all the neighbouring healthcare facilities in case of emergency. All equipment and dangerous substances are inaccessible and risk areas have been adequately signalled and delimited.
We have a public liability insurance coverage.
Please inform us of any children suffering from allergies.
We would also wish to remind you that we have attained official authorizations by the Regione Emilia Romagna and that the owners and people working on the farm have the required qualifications.
Bookings must be confirmed by a fax and/or an e-mail within 48 hours after reservation, and any date changes not dependent on us will be agreed upon at our discretion after considering and evaluating the engagements already in force.